CollegeAdvisor Reviews: Is CollegeAdvisor a good investment for your family?

Powered by U.S. News & World Report, is proud to offer expert college advising to students across the nation. As you prepare for the admissions process, you may want to read some reviews to figure out if we’re the right fit for your needs. 

Applying to college is more competitive than ever. With college acceptance rates declining nationwide, more and more families are investing in personalized college advising to ensure that students have the support they need. If you’re considering, reading College Advisor reviews and ratings can help you learn more about what we offer

Our reviews highlight what makes us special. At, we pride ourselves on providing expert college admissions guidance to students from all backgrounds. With over 300 experienced Admissions Experts on our team, we understand how to approach every aspect of the college process. 

As our five-star reviews show, our students receive comprehensive support on every aspect of their college applications. That way, they’re prepared to meet every milestone and stand out at top schools

Ready to start your admissions journey with us? Click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our Admissions Specialists. 

What is CollegeAdvisor?

As a proud member of the U.S. News & World Report education portfolio, CollegeAdvisor provides personalized and effective college admissions guidance to help students achieve their college dreams. Our reviews reflect our commitment to our students’ success. 

Originally founded in 2018 as Bullseye Admissions, our mission is to ensure that every student, no matter their needs and background, has the support they need in the college process. Our college application help services integrate personalized technology, one-on-one advising, and specialized team-based support to make sure every student feels confident as they complete their college apps. 

Here’s one of our reviews from Sophie, submitted to Trustpilot:

“Ainsley Dean helped me get scholarships to schools I’d never dreamed of attending. The money spent was a small investment that paid for itself 20x over at the school I ended up at alone. She taught me the new language of application essays and helped me navigate a system that neither I nor my parents understood without her. She helped me realize there is a lot more about where you go to school than the name attached to it. With her help, I ended up with a full ride at an amazing school I’d never considered attending and got accepted into the ones I had.”

As our College Advisor reviews highlight, we focus on turning the stressful college admissions process into an opportunity for growth and development. We encourage each of our students to think critically about their candidate profile—namely, who they are, what they value, and how they foresee their future and career goals. In doing so, we ask our students to use the college process to learn more about themselves and their aspirations. 

What makes CollegeAdvisor unique?

As you look at college advisor reviews of College and other companies, you might wonder—what makes CollegeAdvisor unique? And is legit?

Applying to college isn’t easy. The process involves major decisions, big picture thinking, and a hearty dose of self-reflection. However, with the right guidance, the college process can also provide students with a great opportunity to learn more about who they are and start the path toward a successful future. 

We know you have options when it comes to college admissions advising. As our reviews highlight, we are committed to helping every one of our students succeed. 

How it works

At, we provide students with holistic guidance on every element of their college apps. This includes: 

One-on-one guidance

Each of our students is matched with a personal Admissions Expert and/or former Admissions Officer. These advisor(s) work with each student individually on every piece of the admissions puzzle, providing guidance on extracurriculars, course selection, essays, and everything in between. 

Specialty milestone teams

The CollegeAdvisor network means that students have access to an unparalleled level of expertise across every aspect of the college process. We provide dedicated additional support on topics including financial aid, essays, interview preparation, college list development, and more. 

Personalized technology

Using our free web portal on, students can view their applications, track their deadlines, view application requirements, craft their college lists, and more. This makes it easier than ever for students to manage every part of their college applications—all in one place. 

Data-driven expertise

As a proud part of the U.S. News family, CollegeAdvisor has access to an incredible amount of data and information about every college and university in the country and beyond. This gives students the tools they need to make informed decisions throughout the college search. 

Our reviews highlight how our approach differs from that of other companies. As our reviews show, we’re dedicated to helping each of our students succeed through a multifaceted, holistic approach to the advising process. 

More reviews of College

By reading reviews, you can see how parents review College Advisor and learn more about the rankings. 

Here are some more third-party College Advisor reviews from past clients submitted through Trustpilot, including one review from a former CollegeAdvisor Scholar:

“AMAZING experience working with CollegeAdvisor. I love working with Marilu as well as Erica. Both of them were very helpful of informing my parents about the college application process. In addition, CollegeAdvisor helped me realize that applying to safety schools was very important. CollegeAdvisor also helped give me feedback on how I could improve my essays, both personal Common App essay and supplement essays, of what to write and what to not write. Last but not least, CollegeAdvisor helped me find scholarships for me to pay for college for my financial need. Because of CollegeAdvisor, I was able to get accepted into a top university. Overall I really recommend CollegeAdvisor. They really helped me to success and brighten my future, I really recommend them!” – Samantha

“I am a first generation college student and I come from a low-income background. Without the help of CollegeAdvisor and Abu Mian, I’m not sure I would have made it to my top 5 liberal arts college. The college admissions process can seem so daunting, especially for students who will be the first in their families to pursue higher education. The Scholars program (a free program they have for low income/first gen students) provided me with the resources and information I needed to excel in the admissions process. Not only was I granted help with several applications and essays, but I was also given help on how to effectively study for college entrance exams. With Abu’s guidance, I was able to receive a full ride scholarship! He was incredibly real during our sessions and gave me honest advice that greatly improved my applications. I recommend CollegeAdvisor for anyone unsure about the college admissions process or just anyone who wants to ensure their applications are top notch. To any current high schoolers who are also first-gen and low-income: please take advantage of the Scholars program!! It helped me tremendously.” – Stephanie

Applying to college isn’t easy. By investing in college applications help, students can make sure that they approach this process in the most organized, confident, and strategic way possible. As our reviews and ratings show, investing in personalized college advising means investing in your family’s future. 

Is legit?

We know you have a lot of options as you plan for the college application process. So, let’s get into it: is legit?

Yes—but you don’t need to take our word for it. Our College Advisor reviews speak for themselves. On Trustpilot, we’re proud to have a 4.8/5.0-star average rating from past clients. 

Here’s one five-star Trustpilot CollegeAdvisor Review from student Onela:

I felt lost and confused about the college application process and how to highlight my strengths, causing me much stress once junior year ended. But with College Advisor, I was set up with advisors that match my work ethic and learning styles, who truly have been supporting me and making this process much less confusing and opened my eyes to how to highlight my strengths!

Want to read more College Advisor reviews? Check out this five-star Trustpilot review and rating for College Advisor from Diana:

Hessah Saleh was amazing! She walked me through the whole application process and went above and beyond to help me with my college application essays. With her help, I was accepted into many prestigious institutions. She made the process so much easier with her help, starting from picking college majors and schools to apply to, all the way to final registration.

Here’s another online review and rating for College Advisor through Trustpilot, this time from Christine:

I had an incredible college advisor through the college applying process who had helped me succeed in getting into the college of my choice. She had been extremely helpful and sweet.

So, is College Advisor legit? As our TrustPilot reviews show, the answer to “is College Advisor legit” is a resounding yes. 

Standing out in the application process

These reviews of College highlight what makes us special. At CollegeAdvisor, we take care to understand what our students need on every step of the college admissions journey. As our College Advisor reviews show, we center our students in every aspect of our advising process. We know there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to the college process, and we’ll work with your family to build a personalized application strategy tailored to your needs.

We match every student with a hand-picked advisor who understands their specific needs and has experiences that will suit their goals. As many of our reviews mention, our students also have access to the broader network. This gives our students additional support navigating specific facets of the application process. 

Moreover, at CollegeAdvisor, we understand that every student is different. As our reviews of College highlight, we’re committed to helping students approach every part of the application process with confidence. We’ll help each student create a college application checklist, manage their deadlines, craft their essays, and more. 

From the Ivy League to state universities, we’ll always keep each student’s goals at the center of our advising ethos. Then, we’ll work with them to help them achieve those goals and maximize their potential. 

How does CollegeAdvisor support students? 

Some college application help services only focus on senior fall. However, at, we understand that the process starts far earlier. 

As you can see from our reviews, we take pride in helping every student through each aspect of their college journey. This can begin as early as 8th or 9th grade, where we help students explore their interests and build profiles that will impress admissions officers years later. Then, we work with every student to help them build a college list, find the right extracurriculars, draft their essays, prepare for financial aid, and more. 

At, we won’t write your applications or essays for you. Instead, our process focuses on addressing each student’s individual needs and helping them use the college application process as an opportunity to grow, learn, and prepare for their future. 

We’re proud of our reviews and rankings, which highlight our consistent success with students from all backgrounds. By reading these reviews, you can learn more about how we’ll help your family succeed. 

How do you pick a college advisor?

Choosing the right college advisor isn’t easy. At CollegeAdvisor, we’re proud to have a vast network of advisors with expertise in every area of college admissions. Our team also includes former Admissions Officers from top colleges like Yale and USC. 

Our network means that CollegeAdvisor offers more comprehensive expertise than nearly all college application help services out there. No matter your needs or priorities, our team is prepared to help you approach the college application process with confidence.

The advisor matching process

When you enroll with CollegeAdvisor, you’ll fill out a form with details about your background, interests, and goals. Our Match Team then uses that information to match you with an advisor best suited to your needs. 

By reading our reviews, you’ll notice how our students love their advisors. When parents review College Advisor, they often highlight how our advisors provided their students with critical support on both a personal and academic level. 

Our process meets students where they are and looks to match them with the right advisor for them. And we can prove it—check out this online review and rating for CollegeAdvisor from Alexandra: 

As someone who had very specific goals in mind but was not sure how to achieve them in terms of college admissions, working with College Advisor was extremely helpful. My advisor, Anya, not only helped me streamline and organize my goals but also walked me through how to prepare for and achieve them strategically. I had a great experience learning how to portray all the work I had already done in high school and my story for admissions and be successful getting into multiple dream schools (Ivy Leagues, other top 20s)! Essay writing was never my strong suit but Anya gave me a template and verbally explained the best way to write an effective essay for the CommonApp and Supplements. Anya was really the best advisor I could have asked for but everyone else I was in contact with or worked with briefly from College Advisor was knowledgeable and helpful as well. Highly recommend college advisor, fully worth it for the price. Think of it as an investment into your future that will pay off ten-fold down the road.

As our College Advisor reviews and ratings show, we know what it takes to stand out in the application process. We work one-on-one with each of our students to help them cultivate a compelling profile designed to impress. 

Supporting students from all backgrounds

At, we truly know what it means to address every student’s needs. Beyond our U.S.-based community, we also have considerable expertise supporting international students through their college apps. 

Our College Advisor reviews also address our track record of success supporting international students. Here’s an online review and rating for from Truspilot submitted by student Paige: 

My college advisor has been an excellent help so far. I will be a first-generation college student, so I had no clue of the steps I needed to take to get into college. My school counselors are not very helpful either, but my college advisor has put all of our minds at ease and has helped us going above and beyond. I am very thankful, thank you!

As these College Advisor reviews show, no matter your background, we have the expertise you need to succeed. Our reviews highlight our consistent success supporting students through the application process. We’ll help you complete every item on your college application checklist, from standardized testing to essays. 

More reviews of College

Check out another one of our Trustpilot College Advisor reviews from Mason: 

My college advisor was Holly Wolf and she was just amazing. Her joyful spirit and attitude made what could be a stressful process of figuring [out] college stuff feel easy and relax. She worked with me one step at a time and now I am only a month away from going to the college I dreamed of. Thank you Holly for everything!

Here’s another online review and rating for College Advisor submitted to our team from Laila, who was admitted to Cornell: 

I worked with Pam and she completely saved my application! I’m extremely satisfied with my results and would definitely recommend College Advisor to someone else. We worked on individual essays and she truly cared about my application. I’m so grateful to get accepted to Cornell and it wouldn’t have been without College Advisor.

Why college applications help matters

Our reviews highlight just how much our students benefit from our services. But let’s back up a bit—why should students pursue additional guidance in the college admissions process? And, once again, is College Advisor legit? 

Put simply, the college application process has only gotten more competitive. Experts predict that acceptance rates at top schools nationwide will continue to decline. Applying to college doesn’t just mean getting good grades and scores. Instead, students need a compelling profile designed to impress admissions officers—and that takes strategy. That’s where college application help services like CollegeAdvisor come in. 

More and more students are seeking expert college applications help. By working with an expert who understands the application process, your family can ensure you won’t be left behind. And, as our rankings and reviews show, our team is prepared to help every student succeed. 

At, our college application advisors know exactly what top schools look for. We also understand that in the college application process, it’s not always just about what you say—it’s about how you say it. We teach our students to put their best foot forward by curating a candidate profile and personal brand that highlights exactly what they bring to the table. Our College Advisor reviews show just how much of a difference this can make. 

When parents review College Advisor, they often note how our team helped their children build their confidence in the application process. That way, wherever our students land, they’ll know that they’ve approached the application process in the most strategic way possible—and learned a lot along the way. 

More College Advisor Reviews: CollegeAdvisor Success Stories

Want more reasons why you should work with one of our college application advisors? Check out our Student Success Stories

In our Success Stories, we feature CollegeAdvisor students who achieved their college dreams. Each of these articles focus on one of our incredible students. We highlight how they found CollegeAdvisor, what the admissions process was like, and how CollegeAdvisor helped set them up for success. We also share any guidance these students have for future college applicants.

Check out one of our reviews and Success Stories here, which features Jordan—a high school senior (class of 2023) who will be attending Columbia. Or, click here to learn more about Kadin, one of our CollegeAdvisor Scholars who was admitted to Johns Hopkins University. 

You can also see parents review College Advisor in these spotlights—check out this interview with the Whitaker family to get a broader perspective on what we offer. 

Online Review and Rating of College Advisor: Choosing a College Application Advisor

Looking for more College Advisor reviews? Here are two more College Advisor reviews from past clients. 

Here’s one of our rankings from Joshua:

Mikaella was personable, insightful, and fun to interact with overall. The college application process was pretty daunting, but her assistance and advice had made the process a lot smoother. Especially with the resources and information she provided at each meeting. Mikaella was timely and thorough when answering my questions, which was very appreciated. I’d definitely recommend.

And here’s one five-star review from Rena, submitted through Trustpilot:

My college advisor has been super helpful so far throughout my college application process! I started out not knowing what to look for at all in colleges and she’s helped me figure out what I want to look for in a college.

So, is College Advisor legit? Yes—and we’re prepared to help your family make the most of the college application process. 

Other resources from CollegeAdvisor

At CollegeAdvisor, we’re committed to helping every student approach the admissions process with confidence. As you complete your college application checklist, take advantage of our free resources. 

If you want more college applications help, click here to access our full library of college essay examples. By reading college essay examples, you can learn more about what makes a successful essay—and help yours stand out. 

Many of our reviews also highlight our webinars and free resources. To view free webinars on every aspect of the college admissions process, click here

And, if you’re ready to take the next step, click here to schedule a meeting with our Admissions Specialists. During your free consultation, our team will discuss your profile and offer tips to help you stand out in the college application process. We’ll also highlight how CollegeAdvisor can help support you through your college journey. 

college advisor reviews